- There is this sensor that breaks down easily but I don't know why. The manufacturer says too much voltage or electrical current can cause problems.
- 經常會有傳感器損壞,但是不知道原因。制造商說電壓或電流過高會導致問題。
- Well, there might be a wire that is accidentally touching to a voltage circuit, or it could be a low resistance value, but the cause for something like this is usually surge noise.
- 是的。也可以考慮是因為誤接觸電壓電路或者電阻值不足,不過常見原因是浪涌噪聲。
- Actually, the sensor is placed in an area that is prone to electrical noise. What should I check to prevent similar problems?
- 的確,那臺傳感器就在容易產生電氣噪聲的位置。
- First, you need to find out where the noise is getting in. The usual suspects for entry are places like the power line or the output line of the sensor.
- 首先必須確定噪聲的入侵路徑。噪聲有可能入侵的路徑往往是電源線路和傳感器的輸出線路。